100 OLE initialization failed. Make sure that the OLE libraries are the correct version. 104 Syntax: SignCode \n -prog programFile\n -spc credentialsFile\n -pvk privateKeyFile/keysetName\n -name opusName\n -info opusInfo\n -gui\n -nocerts\n -provider cryptoProviderName\n -providerType n\n -commercial | -individual (default)\n -sha | -md5 (default) 105 Error: No file to sign specified 106 (Program Name) 107 Code Signing Wizard 108 &Yes 109 &No 111 &Next > 112 < &Back 113 Cancel 114 exe 115 Program Files|*.exe;*.dll;*.ocx;*.class;*.vbx;*.cab|All Files| *.*|| 116 Select Program To Sign 118 For the name of the program you wish to sign, please provide the name of an existing file. 119 Please provide a name for your program. 120 spl 121 Software Publishing Credentials|*.spc|All Files| *.*|| 122 Select Credentials To Use 123 pvk 124 Private Key Files|*.pvk|All Files| *.*|| 125 Select Private Key To Use 126 Please provide a valid name of a Software Publishing Credentials file. 127 Please provide the name of the file which contains the private key that goes with your credentials. 128 Program to sign: 129 Program name: 130 Program info link: 131 Credentials: 132 Private key: 133 &Sign 134 All Files|*.*|| 135 Select a File About '%1' 136 Select a File With Information About the Program 137 Please provide the name of the private key that goes with your credentials. 999 /opus opusInfoFile /spl splFile /pvk privateKey fileName 1003 Unable to sign this program. 1004 Successfully signed the program! 1005 Unable to sign the program %1. 1006 Successfully signed the program %1.